Annie Mabashov holding a plate of vegetables

Holistic Nutritionist - Functional Health Expert 

Lose Weight Holistically and Sustainably

Using functional lab tests and my unique approach, I will help you address weight loss resistance, hormone imbalance, and gut health issues

Hi there!

Are you having a hard time losing weight, experiencing low energy, and dealing with gut health issues?

Well with Annie is a full-service concierge functional health practice that helps you get to the root cause of these health issues with customized functional health protocols that will help you feel your best.

Annie Mabashov holding healthy green juice

Holistic Nutritionist - Functional Health Expert 

My name is Annie Mabashov,

I am a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P).

I help busy moms and working professionals lose weight, regain energy and improve gut health using a combination of nutrition counseling, lifestyle changes and functional lab testing. 

I understand these issues intrinsically because I have been through my own health struggles following Stage IV cancer, and struggling with weight gain, low energy and fatigue, gut health, and a compromised immune system.

Being on the other side of this, I am able to guide my clients to achieve their wellness goals. 

I love what I do, and would be honored to work with you on your wellness journey.

For each client, I use a 3-prong approach to address wellness that includes:

Cutting board with vegetables

Nutrition Counseling

Depending on your needs and goals, we will review your current diet and make modifications that feel manageable for achieving your goals.

Lifestyle Modifications

Since wellness does not happen in a bubble, long-term success will depend on looking integratively at lifestyle. Working together, we will look at lifestyle factors that include stress, sleep hygiene and environment and come up with the best way to maximize each area of your lifestyle.

Functional lab testing

Functional Lab Testing

Functional lab tests look at the foundational systems that are at the heart of most illness, including the gut, adrenal, immune, detoxification and hormone systems in our body.



"Annie is fabulous to work with.  Her knowledge and guidance make for a superb experience.  I'm 16lbs. down, my blood pressure is much lower, and I feel so much better. I highly recommend working with Annie!"

- Erica (Yelp Review)

Plant in a clear vase

Curious about how functional nutrition can help you? Let’s talk
